Monday, November 28, 2005

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Hi, it's me, Andy, your tourist in the city. Do you listeners know how much time it takes to produce a 14 minute podcast of Tourist In The City?

It takes about 20 hours of editing time, post-recording. And I work 70 to 80 hours a week. And that work is underwriting Tourist In The City. And I know Thanksgiving was four days ago!!!

So any time I'll have the first installment of our Macy's Day Thanksgiving recordings.

In the meantime, write me a note. Yep, you can do it.

Love you!


PS --> I came back to this blog with the breakthrough information that I am the Super Grand Prize award winner of the Overnightscape Extreme Competition. Alright, I made up that title; I won a quiz on the podcast "Overnightscape", OK? You can all about the tiebreaker and the full announcement here: (episode_0336.mp3)

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